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Home Remedy for Weight Loss, Diabetes, Cholesterol, Diarrhea, Acidity, Digestion, Metabolism.


Home Remedy for Weight Loss, Diabetes, Cholesterol, Diarrhea, Acidity, Digestion, Boost Metabolism HEALTH BENEFITS OF DRINKING AJWAIN WATER: - Ajwain water taken on an empty stomach every day helps dissolve body fat and helps to reduce weight. - Because of its high fibre content it helps to stabilise blood sugar and can be used to control diabetes. - Ajwain helps in controlling the cholesterol level in the body. - Ajwain contain antioxidants, have anti-inflammatory properties, and help boost metabolism. - when you drink ajwain water on an empty stomach,it activates the enzymes in your gut which help in better digestion, reduces gas and flatulence. - Ajwain prevents infections. - Ajwain helps in coping with respiratory problems. - It helps in relieving pain due to Arthritis. - It gives relief from Acidity and Indigestion. - Ajwain water is an excellent remedy for getting regular periods. - Ajwain water taken twice daily is an excellent cure for diarrhea. - Ajwain water is excellent for lactating women as it increases milk flow.

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